Dunstable Tennis Club
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What We Offer


Team News




Photo Page


Dunstable Tennis Club is a medium sized, friendly club situated in Downs Road, Dunstable.
It has 6 courts (4 of which are floodlit), a clubhouse and a bar.

There is a professional coach who looks after both adults and juniors.

Social tennis is available 3 times a week, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday morning. No minimum standard required and anyone is welcome. This is a perfect way to get started in the club.

The floodlit courts can also be booked on Tuesday and Thursday nights for arranged fours.

Whilst those of a competitive nature can play in one of the many mens, ladies or mixed teams.

Check Out New Photo Page
Recently I added a photo page to the website. At the moment the photos include the Dinner and Dance, Play Tennis and the junior Xmas Party. If there are any photos that anyone would like me to include please email them to me.
Coaching Page Added!
I have recently designed the coaching page on this web page. To get to it click on the coaching weblink to the left of this page.

Most Improved Juniors!
On the 8th December, the most improved boy and girl were named at the junior Christmas Party. The most improved girl was Jordan Christmas while Michael Stapleton picked up the award for the boys. Both juniors thouroughly deserved the award. For more information go to the News page.

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